Course Reflection

Today is the last day, and during these days we have learnt so many technologies. Such as the schoology, wordpress, classdojo, polleverywhere, padlet, create a video or a audio, digital story-telling, powtoon, buristar, testmoz, and wenjuanxing.

Among these, for me, schoology, polleverywhere and testmoz is very special. First, they are the US website, in china, if I have no VPN, I can’t use it. Second, schoology is a school system, and my school have our own school system, I use it more. Third, wenjuanxing is a good replacement of polleverywhere and testmoz. Both these two types of test can be designed on wenjuanxing, and in China, it is more popullar.

I think classdojo, wenjuanxing and poll everywhere are three tools we may not use. There is no doubt that classdojo is a good tool but I think, there are many other software can replace it. To some extent, we should give children some relax time. For example, in classdojo, we grade children in many standards. In my opinion, some children have a high self-esteem, they don’t want to be left behind. Therefore, there is a comparison among children. For example, they will probably compare who has the highest score per day. Some children will have negative psychology. Wenjuanxing and poll everywhere are so difficult to use for me. And I think, among the similar software, I prefer to choose testmox. Compare to these two software, testmox is easier to use. So these three tools we may not use.

During the class learning, I think the help of partner is indispensable. Because this lesson is in English, we may not be able to fully understand what the teacher assigned us to do and the requirement teacher want us to achieve. This is the first one. And second, schoology helped me a lot. If we forger the class, we can landing schoology, and search information and PPT about this lesson. It will help us to recall and review what we learn in this lesson. Third, ISE standard is a good pdf for us to learn something.

I think everyone in our team had done a good job, when we met with some difficulties we always communicate with each other and try our best to solve the problem. And something needs to be improved is we should be more active. When had realsed some tasks, we should not only finish the task, we also should explore more things. Besides, when we are doing the presentation, we should be more confident, since we are going to be the teacher in the future, so we should become more talktive.

During this class, I had learnt a lot and I have try my best to finish the project, and when we have some teamwork to do, I can always cooperate well with my teamembers. What needs to be improved is I should be more active when exploring something that never learned before. In the future, I will be more active and I also need more independent thinking. More practice is also very essential for me. In brief, I believe as long as I try my best to finish every project well, I will make more progess.


Day 7

In the morning, we were asked to create a rubric to assess students’ learning outcomes. I used Rubistar to create rubrics about making a poster. Then we created a quiz with Testmoz for kids to answer. And we aslo made a questionnaire on 问卷星.

There are many advantages of using polleverywhere, wenjuanxing, and testmoz. Like it’s very convenient for you to create the questionnaire and you can design the questions by yourself. However, there are some disadvantages that some funcations are needed to pay and it only can be used by the enterprises.
About wenjuanxing, I think it’s also good and useful. I like its large variety and functions and it’s in Chinese so we can easily find out how to use it.

According to our teacher, Testmoz is the website designed by an undergraduate student in America. I think maybe because of that, this website is much better for creating a test for class. There’s even a function that shows whether the answer is right or wrong. And the design is also very clear and without advertisements. However, I think maybe it is not so useful as the former two websites because Testmoz is only perfectly suit for designing a test. If it comes to a survey, maybe it’s too annoying to see correct and wrong icon because there’s often no exact answer.

As is known to us all, these tools which can make a survey or quiz or vote is quite popular in almost everywhere. It’s also useful in the classroom. When we become a teacher one day, we can use websites like poll everywhere to create a survey and let parents or students themselves do it so that we can know a little bit about their backgrounds knowledge easily. And in Chinese, there are a lot quizzes and exams. If we use the website like Testmoz, we can create a test conveniently and let the website help us to check the answers. And these webs can also analyze how good students do in the quiz.

After doing all the work, I think these projects help me to meet the second ISTE standard—design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. We learned and used those digital tools which can help us to teach children in the classrooms. Using these tools we can also provide students with multiple and varied assignments.

Here is my rubric.

Here is quiz, and the registration by 问卷星 .

Day 6

In the morning, we learned what is Digital Storytelling and some basic knowledge about it. From the power point, we can know that digital storytelling uses new digital tools to help ordinary people to tell real-life stories and it is the practice of combining narrative with digital content, including images, sound, and video, to create a short movie, typically with a strong emotional component. It also can be instructional, persuasive, historical, or reflective. It is normally 2-5 minutes long can be effectively applied to nearly any subject. One can define digital storytelling as the process by which diverse peoples share their life stories and creative imaginings with others.

So, what l through my experience would like to suggest them is to learn more technologies or apps as possible, it can help you fast and better to edit the video, and make the story more interesting as you can. The audio and video projects meet the ISTE standard is that model digital age work and learning. Because it comes from modern digital technology. We can use it via digital machine. And when we use it, it is displayed through a digital method. Thus, I think it is related to model digital age work and learning.

And here is the video of my reflection.



Day 5

Today we were asked to create an audio which teach the content in the lesson plan. The audio project I created met some problems. I used the recorder in my phone to create my audio. The recorder is a built-in application in my phone. It is very convenient for it can both record my voice but also save it in mp3 format, so that I don’t need to change the format anymore. However, there is no edit function in it but since I have already written down the words I should say so that I won’t need to edit it. So as a tip I think write down the words before you start your audio is a good choice. After finish recording, I upload it to I think that is the easiest part for what you should do is just uploading the file you want.

Here is my audio.


Video Creation

After creating the audio we were asked to create a video which duration is about 2 minutes to teach the content. I choose to use ppt to make my video. However, there is still no editing function for video. So finally I turn to i-movie to clip the video. Since I used it to clip video at last semester, I am so familiar with it. I really recommend it to you not only because the interface of the software is clean and tidy, but also you can choose whether you will pay for it. Most of the functions are free but there is still some cool functions need money. But there are no forced consumptions, so it stills software which rewards to be recommended. After clip the video, I upload the video to The only thing you should do with it is sign in your account and upload your video.

This is my  video.



Day Four-Design a Website

Today, we learn how to creat a website. A web page is a document that is suitable for the World Wide Web and web browsers. Web pages usually include information as to the colors of text and backgrounds and very often also contain links to images and sometimes other types of media to be included in the final view.

A website can be convenient for us to search something, it has the link so you can open it on the computer, and it function is various. Although it is published on the internet, so it is quite a lot difficult for writers to change. And it is published, more and more people can be search, so it should not be disordered. Therefore, it is supposed to plan site with a storyboard ahead of time.

We plan our site with a storyboard ahead of time to give us a clear mind and save time. Because of the web is consist with different kinks of links, so what we need, what kind of materials we need and what should to be done have to be listed and discussed in advanced, then the next step will be done easier. Everyone can give their ideas and suggestions, and everyone takes part in the work. We will built a good team work together.

Because the web is consist with different kinks of links, so what do we need, what kind of materials do we need and what should to be done have to be listed and discussed. Everyone can give their ideas and suggestions, and everyone takes part in the work. We will built a good team work together.

This is our website.


Day Three

My experience with class management software: classdojo

捕获2Classdojo is a new project for education. It is a software which can allows us to interact with students and parents. We use this software to enable students to connect, complete assignments, and group discussion. That can facilitate teachers to assign homework and check whether they finish it or not. Our group use this software in class, and I found that it is easy to apply.  I consider that this will attract children and they will all like it to compare with other groups and promote them to study hard.

If I am a teacher who teach a class, first, I will group the children and let them add their names on the classjodo. Give them the fixed time to complete the task. And then, I will check them online and inspect whether they have mistakes or not. I will let them compare and learn from each other, then, give them a corresponding points. If some group don’t finish, late, or off task, they will have a deduction such like a punishment.

According to the ISTE Standards, I think that teachers should “Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.” The use of ClassDojo to monitor their learning behaviors and their interets, and it could engage my students in meaningful and effective conversations.

Overall, students seem to enjoy classroom use of the web-based system, and responded positively to the development of personalized behavioral goals, which is also consistent with Standard 2b in the article. Meanwhile, positive learning behaviors and self-regulatory behaviors increased and negative behaviors decreased even though only the frequency of positive behaviors were tracked using ClassDojo.


Integrating electronic white board in classroom teaching

ln;Padlet is a software people use to make and share content with others. It can edit nice picture for the background just like your homepage, and choose the small textbook for writing what you want express, adding interesting illustrations and then, a beautiful platform on your own is shown. I learnt that this software can let us publish original content on the internet. It is very unique and attractive us very much. If I am a teacher, I will take children to learn how to edit pretty story wall, and design the layout to show me good work with good story. So, they will first to think about their content, and then, they will think about how to design the picture. They think about how to combine the word and the pictures. I will give them homework which is a fixed topic and words.

I will use it to post my pictures or photos in my daily life, or something I recommend to others. It is a easy to share things with others in a vivid and clear way.

The standard:

Model digital age work and learning

Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation.”


The Flipped classroom

My understanding on the flipped classroom

Flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom. As a college student, I’d like my professors to use this method. Because I think that the flipped classroom is very interesting, which can attract us. In such class, we can take an active part in it actively because it is very novel. And at home, we use our own way to review that and this way is science and technology.  If I am a teacher, I will use this method. Because the flipped classroom is relaxed. I will assigning task for children and let them make the group discussion online. If they have questions or problem, they can ask me online directly. It is very convenient for us to take the technology way in our education, which students all like and easily to use.

Working experiences on creating a lesson plan with the flipped classroom teaching model

This plan is very new. And we have 6 person in our groups that we are divided in our opinions. For example, when we are considering about the questionnaire, we have different thoughts and then we got the discussion. And sometimes, we thought operate computer is a difficult thing, which we always met the web site doesn’t work and so on. It’s the first time we’ve had a class with this way that we feel very new and interesting. It brings the technology into our education. We can respond directly to teacher online, group discussion, edit questions. These are not only the challenge but also an excitement for us.


Lesson Plan

My experiences on working on the survey

Though it seems like everything is smoothly, it has something exist different ideas, especially the time of ten questions. We four people have different opinions. At last, we pick the best one we all think to make the survey. I think it is quite easy for me to use the tool. Because the model is fixed, what l should do is just think the questions, then according to the steps to finish. Not only does it gain a lot of information, but it also saves time. In the future, if l will make the survey, l will use this tool by using the computer to finish the survey.

Student survey

Parent survey

My First Blog

My name is WangYuXiao, and my english name is Catherine. The technology I always use is phone which the most normal technology in our life. For example, cameras can help us capture interesting moments.and the micro blog lets us share new things to everyone. WeChat and QQ allows us to keep in touch and connect eith others.

There are a lot of technologies in life, such as TV sets, washing machines and so on. In one word, these technologies make our lives more convenient. A preliminary understanding of the course, I think that these can make us have a further understanding about science and technology.  The science technology can be also used in education. For example, we play through the projector PPT for children to see directly, and we also can use computer to show funny video for the children, not only can attract the interest of the children but also can let the children to understand knowledge easier. Science technology can not only be used in life, but also can be used in teaching, which promote the traditional education, so I am very happy to study this course.